Title: | Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals |
ID: | 2024CNT-04 |
General Functions
- Hear any appeal of decisions rendered by the Chief Building Official in the enforcement of all Local, State, and Federal Building & Floodplain Management Standards.
- Hear any appeal of decisions rendered by the Fire Chief in the enforcement of the Uniform Fire Code.
Committee Functions
The Building and Fire Code Board consists of 7 members and shall be appointed by the City Council.
Appeals shall be scheduled before 7 members, provided that at least 3 members are physically handicapped, based on the subject matter. For other than appeals and ratifications, it shall take a quorum of 4 members to hear an appeal and majority vote of the Board convened to sustain an appeal.
- Resident of the City or the adjoining unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County.
- Demonstrate knowledge and expertise in specialty areas governed by the construction and fire codes of the City.
- May not hold any full-time paid office or employment in City government.
Length of Time
Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on June 30 of the appropriate year.
Meeting Schedule
The Board only meets when needed to hear an appeal or when needed to transact business of the Board.
Time Involved
Approximately 8-10 meetings per year.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.
Santa Barbara Municipal Code Sections 8.04.020(E) and 22.04.020(G); Ordinance Nos. 5780, 5779, 5256, 5104, 5100, and 4931; Resolution No. 97-099.