Title: | Sister Cities Board |
ID: | 2024CNT-21 |
General Functions
- Oversee and coordinate relationships with several cities in different countries throughout the world, especially Sister Cities.
- Host visitors from Santa Barbara's Sister Cities and/or individuals and groups from other countries.
- Advise City Council regarding creation of new Sister Cities.
- Continue a program of person-to-person contact in order to bring about an improvement in the understanding of the peoples of the world.
- Maintain all programs related to the above and ensure that all such activities are carried out in the best interests of the City of Santa Barbara.
- Prepare an annual report to City Council of the various activities that have gone on among various Sister City committees and any other activities involving international relations during the prior year.
Committee Functions
Three members (appointed by the City Council).
Each Sister City Committee operating an active program under the Sister City affiliate relationship appoints 1 member and 1 alternate member. The alternate may vote only in the absence of the regular member.
- Two members must be residents of the City.
- One member may be a resident of adjoining areas of Santa Barbara County.
The members representing the Sister City committees must be residents of the City or adjoining areas of the County of Santa Barbara.
Length of Term
The three members appointed by City Council serve for four years and until their successors are appointed. Terms expire December 31 of the appropriate year.
Meeting Schedule
The Board meets on the first Wednesday of every other month at noon in Conference Room 15, City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street.
Time Involved
Approximately 1 hour per meeting. Additional time commitment may be required for related activities.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Mayor & Council Office, (805) 564-5318.
Resolution Nos. 10-075, 09-073, 06-077, 06-076, 03-074, 03-008, 00-114, 96-024, 96-023, 96-022, 93-092, 93-023, 87-126, 87-110, 86-162, 86-060, 82-099, 82-036, 77-105, 7742, and 7741.