Title: | Sign Committee |
ID: | 2024CNT-28 |
General Functions
- As provided in the Sign Ordinance and the adopted Sign Review Guidelines, to review, approve, conditionally approve, or deny sign permit applications.
- To advise and confer with the Architectural Board of Review and the Historic Landmarks Commission concerning sign design considerations.
- To keep a public record of all minutes, resolutions, motions, and actions.
- Conduct periodic surveys of the City to assure compliance with the Sign Ordinance and the following:
- Assure sign compatibility with Historic Landmarks Commission determinations for historic building, structures, sites, and environments in El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District.
- Assure sign compatibility with Architectural Board of Review policies and guidelines for designs of signs as part of new or remodeled structures.
- To conduct surveys to determine signs of unique character.
- To carry out such other responsibilities as may be delegated by the City Council.
Committee Functions
3 Regular Members
Alternate Members:
One alternate member from the Architectural Board of Review shall be appointed annually by the Architectural Board of Review.
One alternate member from the Historic Landmarks Commission shall be appointed annually by the Historic Landmarks Commission.
Two members shall be appointed from the public at large. For these appointments, professional experience in design related fields including, but not limited to, landscape architecture, architecture, building design, structural engineering, or graphic design is desirable, but not required.
One member shall be appointed from the public at large. For this appointment, experience as a business owner or real estate professional is desirable, but not required.
Regular Members of the Sign Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the City Guidelines for Advisory Groups. Up to one member of the Sign Committee need not be a qualified elector of the City at the time of appointment so long as the appointee is a qualified elector of Santa Barbara County and remains so qualified during his or her term on the Committee.
Length of Term
Four years and until successors are appointed and qualified. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year. No member shall serve for more than two consecutive four-year terms or an uninterrupted period of more than eight (8) years. Members from the Architectural Board of Review and Historic Landmarks Commission shall serve terms concurrent with their terms on said board or commission, and shall serve only so long as they are members of said board or commission.
Meeting Schedule
The Committee meets biweekly, on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m., in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street. Please check the meeting schedule on the City Calendar.
Time Involved
Approximately 6 – 8 hours per month for meetings and related activities.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.
Design Review, Community Development Department, (805) 564-5578
City Charter Sections 800 - 805, and 817; Municipal Code Chapter 22.70; Resolution Nos. 18-027, 17-036 and 17-037; Ordinance No. 5791