Title: | Rental Housing Mediation Board |
ID: | 2024CNT-19 |
General Functions
- Mediation of disputes between landlords and tenants.
- Create a "Triple Win" for the landlord, tenant and community.
- Prevention of homelessness.
- Development and implementation of training process to enhance mediation skills.
- Promotion of Rental Housing Mediation Program and Board Services.
Committee Functions
15 Members
The majority of the members (8) must be residents of the City. A maximum of (7) members may be non-City residents. Non-City residents must reside in a jurisdiction which contracts with the Rental Housing Mediation Program for services. At the time of appointment, an appointee to the Board shall meet the definition of at least one of the three categories:
- 5 Homeowners (a Homeowner Mediator must own his or her residence and may not own any other residential property).
- 5 Landlords (a Landlord Mediator must own or manage residential properties for consideration or compensation, whether single or multiple units).
- 5 Tenants (a Tenant Mediator must rent or lease his or her residence and may not own residential property)
Length of Term
Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.
Meeting Schedule
The Rental Housing Mediation Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street, plus scheduled times throughout the month for mediation sessions as needed.
Time Involved
Approximately 4 hours per month for meetings, mediation sessions and related activities.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Senior Rental Housing Mediation Specialist and three Part-Time Rental Mediation Staff, (805) 564-5420
Council action on 4/26/77 and 2/4/86; Ordinance No. 4291; Resolution Nos. 89-057, 84-133 and 84-023. Council action on 7/21/2015;
Resolution No. 15-062 By-Laws 2015.pdf