Title: | Architectural Board of Review |
ID: | 2024CNT-02 |
General Functions
- Insures that high standards of design are maintained in development and construction in the City of Santa Barbara.
- Protects and preserves, as nearly as practicable, the natural charm and beauty of Santa Barbara, including the historical style, qualities, characteristics of the buildings, structures and architectural features associated with and established by its long, illustrious and distinguished past.
- Reviews, approves, conditionally approves or disapproves all applications for commercial, industrial, multi-family except in El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District or other landmark districts or a designated Landmark for:
- Building permits for the erection or exterior alteration of any building (except single family or one-story duplexes);
- Grading permits and any structures requiring permits;
- Changes of the exterior color of any building;
- The use of existing buildings for office use in the R-O and C-O zones;
- Appeals of decisions of the Sign Committee; and
- All buildings or structures erected upon any public land or allowed to extend over or on any street or other public property.
Committee Functions
7 Members
Three members need not be qualified electors of the City at the time of their appointment so long as they are qualified electors of Santa Barbara County and remain so qualified during their terms on the Board:
- At least 2 members shall be licensed architects.
- At least 3 other members shall possess professional experience in related fields, including but not limited to, landscape architecture, building design, structural engineering or industrial design.
Length of Term
Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.
Meeting Schedule
The Board generally meets every other Monday at 3:00 p.m. (the Single Family Design Board meets on alternate Mondays) in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room (DGPMR), 630 Garden Street. The Consent Calendar is generally held every Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the DGPMR.
Time Involved
Approximately 10 - 14 hours per month for meetings and related activities.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.
AB 1234 - Ethics Requirement
Assembly Bill (AB) 1234 requires this board to complete AB 1234 Ethics Training no later than one year after the first day of service and then the training course must be completed once every two years thereafter.
$50 for each full board meeting attended and $25 for each Consent Calendar meeting completed.
Planning Division, Community Development Department, (805) 564-5470
Measure E, November 3, 2009, General Municipal Election; City Charter Sections 800-805, 814 and 817; Municipal Code Section 2.08.020.B and Chapter 22.68; Ordinance Nos. 5050, 4701, 3792, and 3646; Resolution Nos. 07-063 and 06-084