Santa Barbara Youth Council
Title: | Santa Barbara Youth Council |
ID: | 2024CNT-20 |
General Functions
- Represent community youth to ensure their concerns, issues and viewpoints are presented.
- Identify concerns, interests and needs of Santa Barbara youth and make recommendations to the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission and Parks and Recreation Department staff.
- Promote and encourage youth interest and participation in community affairs.
- Gather youth and community input through civic engagement activities. Create and/or support opportunities for public discussion through forums, meetings, workshops and conferences. Share information gathered and make recommendations as appropriate.
- Collaborate and/or engage with other community agencies, advisory bodies or youth groups in areas of mutual concern and benefit.
- Recommend to the City Council, various city departments and agencies, as appropriate, changes in procedures, policies and/or legislation pertinent to youth in the Santa Barbara.
Committee Functions
15 members
The Youth Council may appoint up to five non-voting junior high school members.
Members must be between the ages of 13 - 19 years. Eight of the fifteen members must be residents of the City.
- Nine members representing three SBUSD high schools
- Two members from local alternative, community, or continuation high schools
- Two members from local private high school or independent studies
- Two members at large
Length of Term
Members serve two-year terms, beginning July 1st - June 30th. Members may be appointed to multiple terms. City Council may appoint a successor for vacant positions.
Meeting Schedule
The Youth Council meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 5:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 735 Anacapa Street. *During the months of July and August the Youth Council meets once per month on a date and time decided by the Youth Council.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Nicole Morgan, Recreation Specialist
(805) 897- 2582
City Council Resolution 12-018