Title: | Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens |
ID: | 2024CNT-23 |
General Functions
(Per the Older Americans and Older Californians Act)
- Making policy decisions in carrying out the functions of planning, pooling, and coordinating the mandates of the Older Americans Act.
- Assessment of needs and services that benefit senior citizens.
- Operation of senior employment program.
- Coordination of existing programs, services that serve older persons.
- Development of resources and funds to expand service delivery system.
- Monitoring and assessment of senior programs.
- Advocacy.
- Health insurance counseling.
- Community education.
Committee Functions
The Board of Directors consists of 12 members, one of whom is recommended by the Santa Barbara City Council. Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Area Agency on Aging, the City Council submits a nomination to the Board of Directors for the Commission's approval.
- Must be a resident of the City.
- May not hold any full-time paid office or employment in City government.
Length of Term
Two-year term. Directors may serve 4 terms.
Meeting Schedule
The Board of Directors meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., except during the months of November and December. The majority of meetings are held in Santa Maria; carpooling is available and members driving are reimbursed for their mileage. There may also be other committee meetings or telephone conference calls during the month.
Time Involved
3 – 6 hours per month for meetings and related activities.
Financial Disclosure Requirement
Area Agency on Aging, (805) 925-9554.